Moher Charity Day

Much needed funds will be raised for three County Clare organisations during a Charity Fun Day at the Cliffs of Moher Experience on Saturday 27th May.

Pictured are: (L-R) Geraldine Enright, Director at the Cliffs of Moher Experience; Theresa Murrihy, Chairperson of Sláinte an Chláir; Mary Kelly, Chair of the Clare Branch of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind; and Tom Mernagh, Volunteer for Irish Guide Dogs, Pixie and her puppy Elodie.

Representatives of Sláinte an Chláir, Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind (IGDB) Clare Branch and Brothers of Charity Services Clare travelled to the world-famous visitor attraction for the announcement of the fundraising event, which will feature live music and dancing, singing, facepainting and spot prizes. The charities also will be in attendance on the day to meet and speak with members of the Clare public about the vital services they provide.

“The upcoming fundraiser is as much about raising local awareness of the three charities concerned as it is about generating funds to help them to deliver and invest in their services throughout Clare,” explained Geraldine Enright, Director of Cliffs of Moher Experience.