IHF welcomes latest supports

The Irish Hotels Federation has welcomed the additional business and employment supports announced by the Government, including the reintroduction of enhanced CRSS business payments and the extension of the EWSS employment supports to businesses that do not currently qualify.

President, Elaina Fitzgerald Kane thanked the Government for 'their recognition of the severity of the challenges now facing our sector due to ongoing restrictions', saying the supports announced will be crucial for businesses throughout the country as they face into an uncertain 2022.

“These existential supports are vital for our members and will help to safeguard livelihoods during the tough months ahead. Tourism is Ireland’s largest indigenous industry, accounting for one in ten of all jobs, 70% of which are outside of Dublin. These jobs matter – not only to the people working within the industry but to the wider economy, especially in many parts of regional Ireland where tourism is the only show in town. Normally December trade sustains the very challenging off-peak months at the start of the new year, but we have seen this wiped out.”