Flogas Plants 22,000 Trees

Energy company Flogas is celebrating the successful planting of 22,000 trees in partnership with the charity project “Trees on the Land”, more than doubling its original target of 10,000.

The company sponsored the cost of planting a native sapling in various locations around Ireland for every new or existing customer that signed up to its electricity and natural gas Green Future tariffs in 2022. John Conroy, marketing manager at Flogas Ireland, visited one of the tree planting sites near Conabury Hill, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan with Brian Gaynor, project co-ordinator with Trees on the Land.

Trees on the Land is a charity and not-for-profit cross-border project that works with various landowners across Ireland such as schools and colleges, sports clubs, farmers, and community groups to establish new native trees. The saplings were planted last winter and once fully grown, they will play a valuable part in absorbing carbon dioxide, improving air and soil quality, as well as providing homes and food sources for native wildlife.